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 When Cox launched the Contour service that we discussed above, they first launched with only an iOS app. They had delayed Android development, and the reason for this might be that roughly 68%[1] of smartphone video is consumed on an iOS device. The really important statistic that cable companies need to understand is that 36% of consumers surveyed by Adobe responded that they watch videos that last 5 minutes or longer on their smartphones, daily1. And 48% of the videos viewed on mobile platforms are consumed via an App.

This means that cable companies must aggressively produce high-quality mobile apps that complement their television services. Time Warner Cable, for example, offers a TWC TV app that allows subscribers to view on-demand content and stream live TV from their smartphone and tablet. It’s also possible to schedule DVR recordings and view the TV Guide to find something awesome to watch. Although, for most live channels, subscribers will need to be connected to their home WiFi in order to stream content.

It’s likely that the limitations on locations where content can be streamed is tied to the intricate contracts that are negotiated between cable companies and television networks. The sooner that these contracts can be revised and modernized to allow for anywhere, anytime streaming, the better cable companies will be able to bring their full weight to the fight with other streaming services.


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